7209ACDGC/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle
The online 7209ACDGC/P4A SKF Super Precision,Super Precision Bearings,Super Precision Angular Contact,7200 Series,25 Degree Contact Angle parts store gives you immediate access to a selection of more 131 C than 1.4 BEARING PRECISION AXLE CORP. million 60 d new, used, remanufactured.
Brand Name: | SKF |
Model Number: | 7209ACDGC/P4A |
C: | 131 |
d: | 60 |
db max: | 70 |
ra: | 1.5 |
r: | 1.5 |
C0: | 157 |
D_: | 110 |
D_a max: | 102 |
Product Details
C | 131 |
d | 60 |
db max | 70 |
ra | 1.5 |
r | 1.5 |
C0 | 157 |
D_ | 110 |
D_a max | 102 |
TSR rpm | 6300 |
DE_ | 100 |
mass | 1.06 |
B_ | 28 |
KBRG | 4142 |
GRS rpm | 5300 |
SBRG | 22 |
C_conv | 131000 |
rb | 1.5 |
r1 | 1.5 |
Fw | 72 |
Macha rpm | 9500 |
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